Revolutionary concept Of Dynamic & Wise Management Method for Growing Plants
Sustainable Agriculture Provider Limited provides a complete growing solutions within our package which includes projects design, the supply of components for irrigation systems including completely assembled and commissioned pump houses and advanced automation systems, aftersales technical and IT support for the implementation of projects during the growing season to the higher degree possible whilst our main aim is to assist the growers to improve operation productivity and efficiency in the field.
Should you wish to purchase only a part of our package or components, we can ship whatever is required directly from the factory to your address and this way to reduce the cost of projects significantly.
The process is analysing the ground and then physically creates a unique root system which is hydroponically managed. The plant then achieves ideal growing conditions in a small and confined control space within the greater growing area. Upon achieving optimal growing conditions within the control space, the farmer or land owner can then reflect these conditions to the rest of the field regardless of the terrain size and the varying elements. The ideal growing conditions can be reflected with mathematical precision in order to repeat the growing success.
In the preliminary stages of integrating the method in every field/ orchard is individually tested, and the process accompanied by our team of professionals. Both the farmer and the specialists can access the system 24/7 on line, and know at any given moment what the conditions are in the field, both externally and through the plants “behavior”.
Upon understanding the method and system input, the farmer can maximize the system advantages. Subjective judgment is used throughout the process in order to satisfy the objective needs of every farmer or project. Visual evidence enhances the scientific data: leaf size, leaf color, quality and size of fruit and general health of the crop are not only achieved, but also understood by the farmer.
Good results vary from one project to another of course; one may be interested in a particular color while the other might be interested mainly in size, and so on.
By understanding the system functions each farmer can get closer to the required target.
We can safely say that the method achieves a degree of precision and reliability in practical water management at field level to an extent not known till this day.
Currently we are involved in many on-going projects, growing many different crops at many sites around the world. These projects regularly produce better quality crops, boast a much higher crop yield and achieve so throughout significant savings in water and fertilizer usage.
Furthermore, following a successful crop cycle the farmer can utilize the gathered data in order to repeat the proven success of any crop, regardless of the changing weather patterns throughout the year.